Living with HIV

If you are pregnant and living with HIV, you can still deliver a healthy HIV-free baby. The most important step you can take for you and your baby is to seek out medical care as early in your pregnancy as possible. Call the Illinois 24/7 Perinatal HIV Hotline at 1-800-439-4079 as soon as possible to be referred to services in your area.

People living with HIV who receive proper treatment throughout their pregnancies can give birth to babies without HIV. Although early treatment gives the best chance for delivery of an HIV-free baby, there are steps that can be taken as late as labor and delivery to reduce the chances of passing HIV to the newborn.

We understand how overwhelming coping with this diagnosis can be. At the Hotline, we are here 24/7 to help connect you to the care and treatment you need such as assistance finding specialized medical professionals in your area, transportation, food or housing and much more. There are medical centers and support programs throughout Illinois that specialize in the needs of pregnant people living with HIV.

Please call the Hotline for more information about these services.