A new mother frightened and overwhelmed finds the compassionate help she needs to go on.
“Maria” had just delivered a baby and the hospital did not learn of her HIV status prior to delivery. Maria had not received prenatal care during her pregnancy. The hospital called the Hotline to report a preliminary positive rapid HIV test.
Hotline staff offers to send an enhanced case manager to the hospital to see Maria and she agrees.
When the case manager arrives she finds Maria scared and overwhelmed. She has no car seat, diapers, or clothing for her newborn, and has no income or benefits. The case manager offers emotional support and provides the most urgent essential needs, while also assisting Maria in enrolling in public benefits.
Maria and her baby are linked to follow-up HIV care and Maria begins receiving HIV care for the first time. Maria’s social situation stabilizes. She is able to care for her baby who is later confirmed HIV negative.