New AAP Guidance on Infant Feeding for People with HIV

The American Academy of Pediatrics released a new clinical report providing guidance for pediatric providers about infant feeding for people living with HIV and at risk for HIV in the United States. They recommend that for people with HIV in the United States, avoidance of breastfeeding is the only infant feeding option with 0% risk of HIV transmission. However, people with HIV may express a desire to breastfeed, and pediatricians should be prepared to offer a family-centered, nonjudgmental, harm reduction approach to support people with HIV on ART with sustained viral suppression below 50 copies per mL who desire to breastfeed. 

Citation: Abuogi L, Noble L, Smith C, et al. Infant feeding for persons living with and at risk for HIV in the United States: clinical report. Pediatrics. 2024 May 20:e2024066843.  doi: 10.1542/peds.2024-066843. Online ahead of print.


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