Risks of Mother-to-Child Transmission from Non-Disclosure of HIV Status

Researchers from the French Perinatal Cohort study found that women who did not disclose their HIV-positive status to their partners during pregnancy had a less than optimal experience with perinatal HIV prevention.  Although disclosure status did not result in additional perinatal transmissions in this study population, it did result in late initiation of HAART, a higher viral load at delivery, and difficulties with adherence to neonatal prophylaxis - all contributors to perinatal transmission.  Further work around disclosure to partners is needed to ensure optimal perinatal HIV prevention.



Jasseron C, Madelbrot L, Dollfus C, Trocme N, Tubiana R, Teglas JP, Faye A, Rouzioux C, Blanche S, Warszawski J. Non-disclosure of a pregnant woman's HIV status to her partner is associated with non-optimal prevention of mother-to-child transmission. AIDS Behav. 2013 Feb;17(2):488-97.



Original Article (subscription may be required)