Helpful Links

The following are links to websites that may be helpful. They are arranged by subject matter including those focused on general HIV information, treatment guidelines and medical information, HIV testing including rapid tests, case management resources, and information specific to pregnant people with HIV.

Other HIV Hotlines

The National Perinatal HIV Consultation and Referral Service is a provider-oriented hotline for perinatal HIV. They also maintain a website with resources for perinatal HIV.

The National HIV Telephone Consultation Service Warmline is a provider-oriented service for HIV-related medical consultation.

CDC Info provides information for providers and the public on health topics including HIV.

The Illinois HIV/AIDS and STD Hotline offers patient-oriented information for Illinois in English and Spanish.

General HIV

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide a variety of resources on perinatal HIV prevention including fact sheets, Q&A’s, articles, guidelines and recommendations. is a one-stop access site for all U.S. Government HIV/AIDS information. Information found on the site includes the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, an HIV testing site locator, social media resources around HIV and AIDS, and much more.

Illinois Department of Public Health
The Illinois Department of Public Health HIV/AIDS section provides resources for HIV/AIDS in Illinois including information on testing sites and services, HIV/AIDS and those it affects, the AIDS drug assistance program, and statistics.

HIVE located in California provides comprehensive preconception counseling and prenatal care to pregnant people and families living with and affected by HIV. This site contains useful information on national resources for health care providers, patients and social service professionals.

HIV InSite
HIV InSite provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and policy from the University of California School of Medicine. This site includes an on-line textbook of HIV disease, medical information and treatment guidelines, prevention information for researchers and community planners, and information on HIV/AIDS worldwide. Site content for patients and the public includes information on HIV/AIDS and testing, specific information for adolescents and youth, and resources for people living with HIV.

The Body
The Body provides comprehensive information on HIV/AIDS including information on prevention and testing, treatment, information for those living with HIV, policy and activism, and an ask the expert section. There is also a partner site The BodyPro for HIV care and service providers.

François-Xavier Bagnoud Center
The François-Xavier Bagnoud Center (FXBC) of the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey is dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable families including those families affected by HIV infection. This site includes information on their perinatal HIV prevention programs, their global training program, and their HIV/AIDS health services and child health program.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation fights pediatric AIDS through funding critical research, launching global health programs, and advocating for children's health. This site includes information on their international programs, advocacy campaigns, and grant opportunities.

Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center
The Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center is a federally-funded center providing AIDS and HIV clinical training and support to health care professionals. This site includes information on their programs, trainings, and training materials for physicians, nurses, social workers and other health care professionals.

Treatment Guidelines/Medical Information

HIVInfo is a service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It provides information on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and research including treatment guidelines, and information on drugs, clinical trials and vaccines.

AIDS Education and Training Centers
The AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) National Resource Center provides guidelines for the care of pregnant people living with HIV including information specific to people living with HIV before conception and diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists offers information and guidance on HIV and pregnancy for both clinicians and the general public including committee opinions, policy statements, physician tools and patient education information.

National HIV/AIDS Clinicians' Consultation Center
The National HIV/AIDS Clinicians’ Consultation Center is an AIDS Education and Training Centers clinical resource for health care professionals, from the University of California, San Francisco at San Francisco General Hospital. Services include the National Perinatal HIV Consultation and Referral Service and the National HIV Telephone Consultation Service Warmline.

Johns Hopkins HIV Guide
The Johns Hopkins HIV Guide provides access to clinical guidelines, publications, and HIV epidemiology.

HIV Testing (including rapid testing)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide information on HIV testing including recommendations and guidelines. Specific information is included about rapid HIV testing including the rapid HIV tests approved by the FDA, implementation of the tests in different settings including labor and delivery, model protocols, and research on the effectiveness and possible uses of the tests.

National HIV and STD Testing Resources
The National HIV and STD Testing Resources website offers information and frequently asked questions about the HIV virus, transmission, AIDS, and features a search tool to find local testing sites.

Case Management/Social Service

Mother and Child Alliance (MACA)
The main partner of the 24/7 Illinois Perinatal HIV Hotline, Mother and Child Alliance (MACA) was established in 2000 as the Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative to help eliminate perinatal transmission of HIV. MACA has helped fund and develop HIV-specific prenatal classes, a nationally recognized safety net and prevention model, a statewide hotline for pregnant people living with HIV and the providers that care for them, enhanced case management linking pregnant people living with HIV to care, and rapid testing in Illinois hospitals.

AIDS Foundation of Chicago
The AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) is a local and national leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS. This site contains information on case management and housing services, prevention programs, advocacy projects and funding opportunities.

Illinois HIV Care Connect
Illinois HIV Care Connect is a statewide network of medical case management, health care and support services for people living with HIV. This site contains information on accessing programs and services available to people living with HIV in Illinois.

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services provides information about child protection, foster care, adoption, day care licensing and other services.

Illinois Department of Human Services
The Illinois Department of Human Services provides community health and prevention programs, programs for persons with developmental disabilities, mental illness, or substance use disorders, and services for low-income families including financial support, employment and training programs, and child care.

Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services
The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Division of Rehabilitation Services is the state’s lead agency serving individuals with disabilities. This site contains information on services for people disabled by HIV/AIDS.

Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act
The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act is Federal legislation that addresses the unmet health needs of persons living with HIV disease by funding primary health care and support services. The CARE Act was named after Ryan White, an Indiana teenager who fought a courageous battle with HIV/AIDS.

Pregnant People with HIV (see also case management/social service above)

Women, Infants, and Children
The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program serves low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk. WIC provides nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. This site includes information on benefits, services and application procedures.

HIVInfo (English) and HIVInfo (Spanish)

HIVInfo provides an online fact sheet for patients entitled Preventing Perinatal Transmission of HIV.

Illinois HIV Care Connect
Illinois HIV Care Connect is a statewide network of medical case management, health care and support services for people living with HIV. This site contains information on accessing programs and services available to people living with HIV in Illinois.

Chicago Women's AIDS Project
The Chicago Women's AIDS Project (CWAP) provides prevention education, advocacy and support for women at risk or living with HIV in the Chicago area.

Children's Place Association
The Children's Place Association provides programs aimed at assisting children and families affected by illness and povety in the greater Chicago area. This site contains information on services including their on-site residence with nursing care for children, day care, case management, counseling, and foster parent and adoptive placement programs.

Legal Council for Health Justice
The Legal Council for Health Justice provides free, confidential legal services to people living with HIV in Cook County who cannot otherwise afford legal representation. Services are available in English and Spanish.

Chicago House
Chicago House is a social service organization that supports individuals impacted by HIV/AIDS with housing, health, and employment support.

Haymarket Center
Haymarket Center offers comprehensive alcohol and drug treatment programs including programs for pregnant people living with HIV and those with dependent children.

National HIV and STD Testing Resources
The National HIV and STD Testing Resources website offers information and frequently asked questions about HIV, transmission, AIDS, and features a search tool to find local testing sites.

Positive Women's Network - USA
The Positive Women's Network's mission is to prepare and involve all women living with HIV, in all our diversity, including gender identity and sexual expression, in all levels of policy and decision-making.

PatientsLikeMe HIV Community
PatientsLikeMe is a social networking health site that allows its members to share treatment and symptom information to track and learn from real-world outcomes. It includes online communities for a number of diseases including HIV.

The Well Project
The Well Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls. The Well Project advocates that every woman and girl should have access to quality, up-to-date information about HIV/AIDS.