Emergency Pharmacy Support for Newborns with HIV Exposure

The Illinois 24/7 Perinatal HIV Hotline and Mother and Child Alliance (MACA) have partnered with Walgreens/C&M Specialty Pharmacy to offer emergency support for the provision of pediatric HIV prophylactic medication.

This support aims to ensure that all newborns with HIV exposure are discharged from the hospital with a 2-week supply of Zidovudine syrup, as recommended, since this medication is often not available at local pharmacies. This support may also be used for infants discharged on other pediatric HIV medications.

This service is useful for hospitals without outpatient pharmacies that are challenged to dispense the medication at discharge. Hospitals are encouraged to plan for obtaining Zidovudine syrup as soon as they are notified of the presentation of a laboring pregnant patient with HIV in order to avoid unnecessary delays. Medication will be sent either to the hospital or the patient home at no cost to the patient.

See the Emergency Pharmacy Support Protocol for additional information to utilize this service.